With football Icons, you get the absolute Greatest Quarterback who ever played the game don't even argue with me or say any other name on the box and the wrappers.
with baseball, you get ..... jeter. Football? The absolute God-like greatest to ever pick up a ball! Baseball?... jeter... Another reason football is better.
The base 47/100

The inserts - other than the Rookies and the auto, we got 5 numbered inserts.

Both #/299
First up, Jerry Kramer /76 - And I swear, the letter is actually a beautiful Packer Green, but my scanner refuses to show you. Something about light refraction properties through fabric. Hey, I dunno, ask my wife. It's what she told me.
and of course, we didn't get our second Lettermen promised us. Instead my wife rips into the pack, looks up at me and asks, who's Gale Sayers?

My wife was pretty pumped at getting such a special card that you had to request it instead of UD just putting it in the packs.... (I didn't explain it to her, she was having such fun...) so I showed her where to go online to redeem it.
According to UD, it's in stock and ready to ship............ soon.....
Like someone I know says... pics, or it didn't happen. When it gets here, I'll post it for all to see.
btw, after we/she broke this, I went online to take a look at the checklist. And I swear, if I had pulled an Anthony Michael Hall or a Corey Haim Lettermen instead of what we did.... someone would pay, and pay dearly. Jus' sayin'
What do the lettermans spell out in Icons?
Team names I'm assuming... my Jerry Kramer is the "C" in Packers.
Wow.....You referred to her as "Boss". She's got you trained! In the immortal words of Bill Clinton, "I feel your pain".
That Britt auto just looks so SLOPPY~
Nice break, although I agree the rookies are dumb since it was released so late. 2008 Icons had all pro unis.
Also, very nice Sayers pull...whoever that is... :)
And major congratulations on having a wife who demands boxes come home with you. Mine barely tolerates it. My only saving grace is I have been recooping some of the money by selling off singles on eBay...
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