Friday, April 22, 2011

One card kindness....

I was at this month's trade night at the old card shop the other night. And while these nights are always dominated with hockey, there are 2 or 3 of us that dabble in the lesser sports. While I was at one end of the store, apparently there was some busting going on at the other end. Well wouldn't you know that my friend Jamie walks over and hands me this beauty...
Tony and Dez delight! /50. Free. Gratis. I miss football already. When is training camp?



I'm not into football, but what a friend !

Anonymous said...


BTW, did you get a chance to tabulate your 2010 Topps base needs? I realized the other week I still have that 2010 Crown Royale Tony Romo waiting for you. If you don't have that list ready, I can just send the single northward.