What the HELL is gooing on? Was there a hurricane warning that I didn't know about? Did umpire Bill Hohn threaten to let children comb out his moustache?
For two years all I heard about was how pathetic the Montreal Expos were. The team MUST be taken away. Even they had more fans show up than this.
Atlanta is in the top three for drawn attendance on the road. Apparently south Florida didn't get that memo.
Why aren't there news stories about this like the Expos? This should be front page news. MLB should be holding meetings on where the Marlins will be moved next season. And no. Puerto Rico is not acceptable.
Fans in Oklahoma, Portland, and Pittsburgh are begging for a team. You have one, and this is what you do.
Pathetic. Feel shame... unless you were at the game, feel shame.
Pittsburgh does need a major league team now. The Pirates are running out a bunch of AAA guys, Zack Duke, and Ryan Doumit.
wow... and i thought it was bad at a's games :-)
What time of day are these games? I used to live in Florida, and loved it, but depending on the the time of day, you just couldn't bear the heat and humidity. Also, unlike the north (Ohio) there's a lot more to do in Florida.
Let's see here - Jeff Loira owned the Expos and ran them into the ground. He abandons ship and buys the Marlins. How about banning him from ever owning a team. I say we start campaigning to Jim Balsille to give up on the NHL and bring MLB to Hamilton. Or just fold the team and be the first league to admit they over expanded.
Wow, that sucks... I hope you made your way down behind home plate! I never knew attendance could be that bad... they should bring a team to Portland! although I don't think the city could really support it all that well either.
Marlins fans can't suck, if only because there aren't any people one could call "Marlins fans." That's terrible.
Even after we traded Lee and Martinez, we had almost 32,000 at Cleveland last night to get Victor Martinez bobbleheads!
Oh Yes we want a team in Portland Badly and I could promise our stadium wouldn't look like that! Course I don't think the beavers staduim would work for MLB and it seems like the northwest has an issue with sports in general... Em yeah the Sonics Goodbye freinds and the state of WA doesn't want Nascar??? I'm not even a Nascar fan and still can't believe they turned that down. We got the Blazers though. Grant
I think a team in Portland would work really well, but we don't have people in power who have any interest in working on stuff like that.
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